Embracing Discomfort: Finding Purpose in Trials and Transforming Lives Through Prayer

We all sometimes face hardship, suffering, trouble and dark days. Our world is experiencing this from many different directions right now. So often in these moments we try to alleviate the hardship and challenge and make it all disappear. We look for ways out of the trouble as fast and effortlessly as possible. We want to get to our comfort zone without seeing the value of the discomfort zone. As much as we don’t like it, we all need difficulty and trouble to reach our full potential physically, emotionally, relationally, and really in every area of our lives.


It’s always surprising to me how some well–meaning Christians overlook many verses of scripture and develop a theology that ignores suffering. The Bible has quite a bit to say about us going through difficulty. No one is exempt from the hardships of life. Why? Paul the Apostle gives us two reasons. “Even when we are weighed down with troubles, it is for your comfort and salvation.” (2 Cor. 1:6). How can being weighed down with trouble be for our comfort and for our salvation?


Well, God knows that when we become comfortable, we become vulnerable. If we avoid challenges, we become weak. We need difficulty to make us strong. It is the pathway for building the necessary fortitude to defend ourselves against the evil one who is voraciously attempting to steal, kill and destroy our purpose in life. Our goal should not be to escape challenges but to embrace and endure them with the comfort and strength God gives. Trials are for salvation.


It doesn’t end with us, however. God has a ripple effect goal for every trial we face. God cares for people through people. Every trial invites the opportunity to live through the discomfort zone and bring the comfort we received from God to others who suffer. Trials are for comfort.


Paul makes this point clearly. “All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” (2 Cor. 1:3-4)


Throughout his earthly ministry, Jesus was always able to offer compassionate hope to the hurting, but He also challenged people to lean into the lives of others with God’s love and comfort. Jesus comforted the troubled and troubled the comfortable.


God has brought you to this blog for at least the same two reasons. First, to comfort you and help you see the purpose of your problems. Call the prayer lines today, and let God’s Spirit comfort you through prayer. Second, to challenge you not to keep the strength, comfort and truth he’s given to yourself. God comforts us so we can comfort others. Imagine the transformation in your world, in the whole world, by shifting from escaping the discomfort zone to embracing it for God’s glory.


Anyone Pray is a prayer line support platform that helps churches and like-minded organizations provide a unique life-changing prayer connection to anyone, anytime, so people receive added spiritual care when needed. Join us in a movement to bring God’s transformational love to the world through prayer.


Pastor Kevin Shepherd
CEO of Crossroads & YES TV