Let real stories of hope and transformation enlighten your faith and show the incredible impact of Anyone Pray on people's lives.

Founder of The Perspective
“I have been looking forward with anticipation to the launch of the “Anyone Pray” initiative by our friends at Crossroads Christian Communications. Being able to direct “Anyone“ at “Anytime” to a prayer line where they can receive prayer, encouragement and hope is absolutely huge for our ministry. The availability of this prayer line 24/7 means that in those dark moments of the soul there is a place where people can reach out to for help. This is a huge boost for the effectiveness of The Perspective TV ministry as we seek to share the gospel across Canada and beyond.“
Dr. Mike Sherbino | Subscriber to Anyone Pray

Fathers For Fathers
“Fathers For Fathers provides resources, support and community in order to empower men and transform families. We see the Anyone Pray platform as an integral component of what we do. Often, men find themselves in situations where they don’t know where to turn, when a counsellor, friend, or family member isn’t available. This prayer line will serve as a lifeline for men to call when they’re in need of hope!“
Jeff Watson | Subscriber to Anyone Pray

Crossroads Prayer Centre
“I am so grateful for the Crossroads prayer line. You helped me see things inside that I never knew about. Initially, I hesitated and wasn't willing to repeat after the prayer partner when she asked me to deliver myself from any bondage. However, during the prayer time, I wept as she was right about me needing to be set free. Thank you for providing a prayer line and for the intercessors who serve with dedication.”
Quinn | Caller

Crossroads Prayer Centre
When she was young, Pat got into trouble, addicted to drugs – yet her mother would never give up on her and always said, “If you can’t get to me – call the prayer line.” And she did.
“It saved me from times of wanting to kill myself and freed me from that horrible suicide spirit. I have been using this number since I was a young woman – and am so grateful for the volunteers on the prayer line.”
Pat | Caller

Crossroads Prayer Centre
“Going through the online training actually grew my faith. After I watched the series on 'Praying with Confidence,' and 'Putting on the Armour of God,' I realized that prayer was more than God listening to me, but a partnership. I started to use God’s Word in prayer to help me get through temptation or life’s struggles, and began to feel this unexplainable peace wash over me. I didn’t know I could apply my faith in such a meaningful way until now. Praise God!”
Angelica M. | Volunteer Prayer Partner

Crossroads Prayer Centre
“I've been calling the prayer line ever since I was diagnosed with breast cancer and am so grateful to report that God healed me! He has been watching over me throughout this journey, and I could even travel for a family wedding. Everyone was shocked at how healthy I looked. This is a miracle from the Lord, and your faithful prayers have been an important part of my healing.“
Bernice | Caller